Third Entry

Here the comparison between the movie and the book of The Great Gatsby, and Timelines 

Edgar Allan Poe Timeline
Mark Twain Timeline
Harper Lee Timeline

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Second Entry

Here you have the analysis of the nice chapters of the novel The Great Gatsby

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To kill a mockingbird

This is a video in which my group shares an opinion about the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”

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First Entry

My name is Xavier Edgardo Gomez and I have to say that I’m student of Licenciatura en Idioma Ingles in the University of El Salvador. I’m a person that enjoys reading when I see something really interesting, but my likes are so weird because I prefer something not so common. I have had the opportunity to read different genres through my life, and I enjoyed reading novels or books that make me imagine the performance of the book when I am reading. When I decide to read, I try to look for a book in which the author mix up fantasy or horror because they are my two favorite genres.

Last year, I had the opportunity to read different books when I was taking Literature 1 and 2, and one called my attention during the semester. Its name was “The adventures of tom Sawyer”.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to mention why this novel caught my attention, and I will provide a litter critic about what I could see through the novel because this was a novel in which a person that have had the chance to read could notice that the novel has different stories that are connected to created one and explain the development of the characters in then novel.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to mention why this novel caught my attention, and I will provide a litter critic about what I could see through the novel because this was a story in which a person that has had the chance to read could notice that the novel has different stories that are connected to create and explain the development of the characters in the novel.

Mark Twain is not one of my favorite writers, but I have to say that he did a well job developing the characters in the story. Since the very beginning, I could notice that Twain tried to emphasize the experiences that a boy called Tom sawyer had in the story, and the beauty of life that is represented in each chapter of this book. During the story, the reader learns to appreciate the little aspects that life offers every day, and it doesn’t matter if they are good or bad. I really liked the fact that we can see how amazing is being a child, and thought the chapters we see the situations that Tom faced, and the moral aspects that the author mentioned in different parts of the story. I would like to say that this could be a difficult story to read if you are not accustomed to read mark twain’s writing style because we can find expressions that make us feel confused.

When people have internalized in the story, they notice that it is a beautiful story not only for the aspects that the writer mentions about life but also the habits that we can find, For example, going to the Sunday school, sit down at the table. One of my favorite habits is the innocence that children show in the story. The novel mentions different conflicts that happen across the story and the children had to treat. This is a one of the most important things that the novel shows in which we realized that the author describes the situation that Tom and Fill had to deal during those events.

As a conclusion, Tom Sawyer is a novel that was written with the purpose to make us think about how the author expresses his feelings, and mentions the importance of love, nobleness, and humility.

I was mention at the beginning one of my favorite literary genres is horror because you can feel the emotion in every single word when you are reading, but not all the writers achieve this as Stephen King.

Stephen King has always been one of my favorite writes not only for the amount of horror stories that he has written but also for the complexity at the moment to express his ideas. I would mention different novels such as “the stand”, “The Shining”, “The Dark Tower” (that is a series of stories that are connected among themselves), and one of my favorite is “It”. There are many novels that deserve a place here, but I will mention two novels of Stephen king that in my opinion are the best if we are talking about fantasy and horror, and they are “The Stand” and “It”.

Those novels mix up different details to be considered great novels. For example, the first one is a novel in which Kings’ ideas about the last day of humanity are presented. That was something that called my attention from this story because the writer tries to make emphasis in many values that people have lost nowadays such: as empathy, respect and loyalty. This is not a post in which I will provide any spoiler about this story, but if there is something that I can mention about this novel is the fact how Stephen King portrays how his characters have to choose to believe in God or The Evil, and he tells us how a person could change over the years through the different situations and experiences even if that person has been good in the past.

The second story that I will mention is “It” because this story has caused polemic since the moment that came out in 1986. This is not only a horror fiction story but also has different elements that at this moment have been considered unacceptable in our society such as: children abuse, racism and drugs. I have to say that his story is one of best for me because the complexity of the main villain called “It”. Stephen King created more than a villain with super power in his story because he also mentioned that a single person could be a monster in real life, and society could change a good person into a criminal. Also the lack of love in the story is an important point that we can notice in this novel because most of the protagonists suffer because of that, and it makes that they have a difficult childhood that only was cover for the friendship that children in the novel had.

Certainty, this will be always one of my favorite because it shows how difficult could be to grow up without love or attention, and the difficulties that the society has for a person without support.

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Short Stories

In this part of my blog, you will find some presentations in which we have analyzed literary works by some famous writers. The purpose of this section is to present the analysis of each of them, and provide the most important points in every single literary work. Also, the presentations contain the principal characteristics of the stories in order to identify the most important in all the stories

A message from the sea by Charles Dickens
A predicament by Edgar Allan Poe
A message from the sea by Charles Dickens
A rose for Emily by William Faulkner
His last bow by Arthur Conan Doyle
Never bet the devil your head by Edgar Allan Poe
Rappaccini's daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Some words with a mummy by Edgar Allan Poe
The black cat by Edgar Allan Poe
The brass teapot by Tim Macy
The diamond as big as the ritz by f. Scott Fitzgerald
The Fall of the house of usher by Edgar Allan Poe
The gift of the Magi by O'henry
The idiots by Joseph Conrad
The minister of the black veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Through the ivory gate by Rita Dove
The most dangerous game by Richard Connell
The murders in the rue morgue by Edgar Allan Poe
The mystery of marie roget by Edgar Allan Poe
The necklace by Guy de Maupassant
The pit and the pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe
The premature burial by Edgar Allan Poe
The queen of spades by Alexander Pushkin
The inn of lost time by Lensey Namioka
The inn by Guy de Maupassant

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